State Parks Preservation Act passes its first committee stop

A coalition of 70 conservation organizations, including both the Florida Native Plant Society and the Ixia Chapter of FNPS submitted this letter to the lead sponsors of Senate Bill 80 and House Bill 209. Known as the State Parks Preservation Act, the legislation is intended to prevent future attacks on our State Parks – attacks like the one last fall that sparked so much public outrage across Florida.

We all appreciate Senator Harrell filing SB08 and Senator Bradley’s co-sponsorship, and Representative Snyder’s sponsorship of the companion bill in the House. The coalition has shared recommended language with the legislation’s sponsors that would more explicitly prohibit such uses as golf courses and hotels, and provide additional guidance to prevent other incompatible uses or developments that would commercialize or materially disturb the resources protected within our Parks.

“We just don’t want to be back here again next year, the year after, fighting the same battle, we just suggest that there should be a much-clearer statement on prohibitions of incompatible uses.” -FNPS President Eugene Kelly in the Orlando Sentinel, 2025-02-11, speaking to the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee.


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