
Showing posts from June, 2020

Volunteers Needed - Restoration Planting in the Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway

The Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway section between SR-200 and 80th Avenue Road near Dunnellon has populations of the endangered and endemic Longspurred Mint ( Dicerandra cornutissima ) that were impacted by a trail widening project. We will be planting locally-adapted native plants to restore the site.  This project is made possible by a grant from Duke Energy for "Conservation and Habitat Restoration for Two Florida Endemic Mints." #DukeEnergy  @DukeEnergy Register for Tuesday here and/or Friday here .  Make sure to bring a mask, a shovel, drinking water for yourself, snacks for yourself, closed-toed shoes, bug spray, sun protective clothing and sunblock.

Volunteers Needed in the Ocala National Forest -Thursday 6/25 and Friday 6/26

The Florida Native Plant Society is teaming up with the U.S. Forest Service and Green Isle Gardens to prevent further erosion from damaging Silver Glen Springs. You can help by volunteering your time to help us plant. Make sure to bring a mask, a shovel, drinking water for yourself, snacks for yourself, closed-toed shoes, bug spray, sun protective clothing and sunblock. Register for Thursday here and/or Friday here .

A Message from the FNPS Board of Directors

  Martin Luther King’s quote from the 1960’s is still relevant today. The arc is still long, and sometimes its direction is uncertain. However, it is apparent that we cannot expect that the arc will bend on its own. We have to make it bend, and every action helps. How does this relate to the Florida Native Plant Society? Recently, we’ve heard from many of our members and friends, mostly in support of our position of condemnation of racial injustice and a commitment to further inclusion in our membership. We are heartened that so many of you care about this topic. Others expressed concern that this issue is not relevant to our mission and purpose. While social and racial justice is not our mission, it is just as relevant to our membership as it is to our society as a whole. We know that environmental issues including conservation and climate change are deeply entwined with social justice issues, as disenfranchised communities are often the most affected by harmful envi