A Rare Plant Census Experience
by Mark Elliott, President, Paynes Prairie Chapter Conradina etonia in Etoniah Creek SF. Photo by Mark Whitten. On Tuesday October 30th, 2018 Charlie Pedersen, a Biologist with the Florida Forest Service (and Paynes Prairie Chapter member) led a group of intrepid botanists/biologists from multiple organizations including Santa Fe Audubon, Bok Tower Sanctuary and 2 additional members of Paynes Prairie chapter through the undergrowth of Etoniah Creek State Forest to count Etonia rosemary ( Conradina etonia ) plants. Etonia rosemary, endemic to Etoniah Creek white sand scrub 1 , wasn’t described until 1991. In the abstract of the paper 2 first describing it, the authors (Kral and McCartney) stated that “ C. etonia is a narrow endemic, that is on land that is presently being developed for residential use and that it therefore should receive high conservation priority.” It is now on both State and Federal lists of endangered plants. Based on reports from Charlie Pedersen, the