What it's like to adopt a highway by Janina Shoemaker of Sea Rocket Chapter

Sea Rocket Chapter, North Brevard County, held our first Adopt-a-Highway litter pickup with a crew of four, Saturday, October 20, along Columbia Blvd (a major 4-lane to the Space Coast) in 77-80 F weather, (warm but not too humid). We collected a ton (*) of paper, plastic, and some metal trash in under 3 hours, totaling 12 volunteer hours for the society. Litter Crew: David Humphrey, Janina Shoemaker, and Jim Robey The team considered this a trial learning experience and found that a single sweep of four abreast was more efficient than two pair working both shoulders. We discovered a gopher tortoise meandering along the highway, but also found the remains of a deer and an armadillo, stripped to the bones. Our area of pickup was both sides of the road, in some places about ten feet wide, and in others, a wider expanse past culverts up to fence lines. We noted many native species growing, healthy green-ways, preventing run-off. (The median is NOT included, DOT rules...