Naples Field Days Report, 42nd Annual Conference
Finally I'm getting a chance to reflect on the wild and wonderful Naples Field Days of the 2023 Florida Native Plant Society Annual Conference; this was our first year since the pandemic that we've had any sort of in-person component to our Annual Conference. and I've really missed seeing everyone. The Naples Chapter organized two days of native plant fun, with vegan-friendly food, plenty of caffeine, two guided hikes, and a pine needle basketry workshop. They were the first of our three regional Field Days to sell out and once I got there I understood why. The early morning drive from Kissimmee had me road wary. I was navigating the rough streets of the failed Golden Gates Estates subdivision several minutes past the scheduled start time. Sweating, I pulled into a very Florida-esque rural/suburban driveway behind a wall of mostly-native vegetation several minutes past nine am. This is Collier County's Robert E. Gore, III Preserve - a relatively small preserve carved ou