Call for Nominations - Officers & Board of Directors

We are nearing the time of year when we elect our Officers and Board of Directors.

As members of the 2024 Nominating Committee, we encourage you to nominate yourself. You can also nominate others if they agree that they want to run. Nominees must be FNPS members.

We are extremely interested in individuals who are organized, motivated, and share our vision of a future where people have greater knowledge of and appreciation for Florida’s natural environment.

This year FNPS will be electing a President, Vice President for Finance, a Secretary, and two (2) Directors.   See the Standard Operating Procedures for FNPS Officers in the Handbook for more information.

The President is the principal officer representing FNPS, the president shall (1) preside at all meetings of and make reports to members and the Board, (2) acting as the organization's CEO, have general supervision of FNPS affairs, and (3) perform all such other duties that are either incidental to the office or delegated to the office by the Board and 4) serve as chair of the Executive Committee.

The Vice President for Finance is responsible for the Society’s long term strategic fiscal planning and chairs the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee assists the Executive Director in the long-range planning for FNPS and knowledge of the current state of the FNPS budget, profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and major financial instruments or accounts. They advise the President and the Board of Directors of investment and expenditure strategies for long range planning.

The Secretary shall assure the maintenance of all Society files and records including original copies of documents, archival minutes and correspondence, and all new information generated during the term. They shall be present to record minutes/reports at all meetings of the Executive Committee (EXCOM), Board of Directors (BOD) and General Membership.

Directors support the Society with their experience and expertise. Directors will regularly attend Board meetings to provide oversight of the Society operations, contribute to the welfare and advancement of the Florida Native Plant Society, and assist the Executive Committee as required.

All Officers and Directors participate in Board of Directors meetings; development and review of the Annual Budget and policies; and in general, governance of the Society.  There are typically 12 board meetings per year, most of which are virtual with some in-person meetings.

If you are interested, please provide a brief statement of who you are, which position you are interested in, and why you are seeking an elected position in FNPS. 

The Nominating Committee intends to present the slate of nominees at the May Board meeting.  Elections will be held at the Annual Meeting of the Membership in June 2024.  

If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact the nominating committee (see below).  Please respond by May 5.


2024 Nominating Committee

Ann Redmond, Chair
Athena Phillips
Eugene Kelly        
John Benton          
Paul Schmalzer     
Bonnie Basham    
Susan Carr            

Our Values

Learning – Expanding our collective knowledge of native plants, landscapes, and habitats in Florida.

Accuracy – Anchoring our work in science, research, and fact-based information.

Enthusiasm - Cultivating excitement and love for native plants and their habitats.

Inclusivity – Becoming stronger as a whole because we welcome and embrace all people.

Integrity – Holding ourselves consistently accountable to high standards in all our endeavors.

Stewardship – Responsibly acting as the voice for conserving & restoring native plants and their habitats.

Sustainability – Operating in ways that minimize harm to our natural environment.

Community – Fostering collaborations and nurturing productive relationships that connect to our native plant heritage and FNPS.


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