Summary Reports on Prescribed Fire Use for all three M-CORES Study Areas

As a member of the No Roads to Ruin coalition and advocates for the native plants and native plant communities of Florida, we are concerned about the M-CORES toll roads.

Prescribed fire is the best management tool for most of Florida's native plant communities (or ecosystems). High speed roadways and prescribed fire are largely incompatible. To assess the impacts that these new roads would have, our Policy and Legislation Chair Eugene Kelly analyzed how and where prescribed fire is used on land within these three proposed toll road corridors.

A Summary of Prescribed Fire Usage and Needs Across the M-CORES Southwest-Central Florida Connector Study Area

A Summary of Prescribed Fire Usage and Needs Across the M-CORES Suncoast Connector Study Area

A Summary of Prescribed Fire Usage and Needs Across the M-CORES Northern Turnpike Connector Study Area


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