Wednesday's Wildflower Whitemouth Dayflower

Commelina erecta
submitted by Beryn Harty, Miami Dade Chapter

Commelina erecta, photo by Beryn Harty, Roadside, Ramrod Key, FL

Whitemouth Dayflower, Commelina erecta,  is a prostrate, herbaceous, perennial wildflower with very showy morning blooms which may bloom throughout the year. The flower is  quarter sized, bright blue, with two larger ear-shaped petals and a small white lower petal (the mouth).

The typical habitat for Whitemouth Dayflower is scrubs and dry upland sites. The pollination strategy is complex: The bright yellow anthers have no pollen but attract bees who are dusted by the pollen on the smaller, less visible anthers. Insects and birds will also eat the small seeds.

Commelina erecta is named for three Dutch botanist brothers, the Commelijns.  Erecta means upright.

Beryn Harty is a member of Miami-Dade Chapter FNPS as there is no current Keys chapter.  She lives full time on Ramrod Key. 

Family Name: Commelinaceae
Genus/Species: Commelina erecta
Common Name(s): Whitemouth Dayflower, Slender dayflower
Native Range: North America South through the Florida Keys, Central&  South America & Mexico
Hardiness zone: Many
Soil Type: well drained, sandy or limestone
Preferred Sun: Full
Height at maturity: 3” to about 12”
Propagation: It can be grown from cutting or seeds and works nicely as a sparse ground cover intermingled with other blooms.

White morph, by Donna Bollenbach

Other links: 
IRC, Natives for Your Neighborhood: Whitemouth dayflower
USF Plant Atlas: Commelina erecta
Hawthornhill, Florida Native Wildflowers: Commelina erecta


What a pretty and different dayflower compared to the little blue one I have.

Thanks for sharing ~ FowerLady

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