FNPS Annual Fund Drive

Live Oak seedling
By Devon Higgenbotham

Have you ever planted a young Live Oak or Hickory knowing you might never it see reach maturity?
In this age of instant gratification, too often we want results today, but in 1980 the founders of the Florida Native Plant Society had the foresight to start an organization that would outlive them.
"Too old to plant trees for my own gratification I shall do it for posterity."
said Thomas Jefferson, age 83.
The Florida Native Plant Society was started by individuals that were looking into the future and planning for an organization that would grow and provide benefits to all Floridians for many years.  We have been handed the benefits of their foresight, the full grown shade tree that was planted years ago, perhaps before we were around.

We in turn have the responsibility to nurture this organization for the generations that will come after us, keep it healthy and leave it stronger than when we found it. 

This is the time of year for our Annual Fund Drive which provides vital resources for outreach, conservation awards, education, land management and the continuation of our promotion of Florida native plants.  Help us to grow!

Please respond generously to the Annual fund Drive.  Your donation will ensure future generations will enjoy a stronger, more vibrant FNPS.  Do it for posterity!

Mature Live Oak


Ansley said…
I appreciate the statement about starting an organization that will outlive them. It takes time and patience but that shade tree is beautiful and well worth the wait and effort.

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