Florida's Water and Land Legacy Campaign Goes Digital

Most of you know all about Florida's Water and Land Legacy Campaign. In brief, the goal of the Campaign is to place an amendment to Florida's Constitution on the November 2014 ballot. The amendment, if passed, would provide the Land Acquisition Trust Fund with 33% of the net revenue from the existing document stamp tax, which would be used for the acquisition, restoration, improvement, and management of conservation lands, fish and wildlife habitat, lands critical to our water supply and water bodies, outdoor recreation areas, etc. Why is it necessary? Since 2009, the Florida Legislature has chosen to reduce funding for conservation and restoration programs by almost 100%. This amendment would help to offset the impact of said funding decisions.

From the time I was a toddler I was taught to leave any place I visited in the same (or better) condition it was in when I arrived. Shouldn't the same maxim apply with regard to our natural resources? Conservation is a moral imperative, not an option. It is a matter of showing respect for the land we are borrowing from our children, and they from theirs. People are compelled to live in and visit Florida because of the wealth and diversity of natural resources here. If they are not adequately protected, the health of our state and its inhabitants will undoubtedly suffer.

Filling out the petition shouldn't take long
That's enough ranting for the time being. The bottom line is this: the Campaign needs to collect over a half million more signed petitions from Florida voters in the next 5 months just to get the amendment on the ballot. Many thanks to those of you who have been actively collecting signatures at green markets and outdoor festivals throughout the state - YOU ALL ROCK! So here's the news... The petition is now available ONLINE! If you're a Florida voter who cares deeply about protecting our state's natural assets (miles of beaches, beautiful parks, crystal clear springs, endless opportunities to swim, bike and fish, and an amazing diversity of plants and animals), and you haven't already signed the petition, you can download it HERE. It can't be submitted digitally (sorry - that's Florida law), so you need to put a stamp on it and mail it in after filling it out. Continued protection for Florida's natural treasures is worth far more than the cost of postage. 

Already signed? Fabulous! DON'T STOP THERE!
Please feel free to visit Florida's Water and Land Legacy Website to learn more about the campaign. With your help, we WILL create an environmental legacy to be proud of.

For Florida,
Laurie Sheldon
F.N.P.S. Social Media Director


Tamazgha said…
great post i like it

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