It's Time for Nominations for the FNPS Landscape Awards

Florida Native Plant Society
2013 Landscape Awards Program 


The Florida Native Plant Society Landscape Awards Program aims to:
· Promote the use of Florida native plants in all types of landscapes, both new and existing.
· Increase public awareness of the benefits and savings provided by native plant landscaping.
· Recognize citizens who have taken action through use of native plant landscaping to improve and restore the environment.
· Reward skilled professionals who execute quality designs and installation.
· Encourage landscape designers, contractors and architects to use Florida native plants in their projects.

Application Process and Forms: 

All interested designers, project managers, installers and homeowners must complete the FNPS Landscape Awards Application Form. Please read the application form completely as projects that do not meet the entry rules will not be judged! Click here for an Application and additional information.

Deadline for Submission: 

Friday, March 1, 2013 via mail or overnight delivery to: FNPS Awards, 311 South Glenwood Avenue, Orlando, FL 32803-6259


A jury of Florida Native Plant Society members in the fields of landscape design, environmental permitting and restoration, native plant nursery ownership and well-educated homeowners will evaluate entries and choose recipients to receive awards. The judging criteria will be based upon the project’s concept and goals, use of native plants, relationship to surrounding native plant communities, preservation of any existing native plants, an educational component for neighbors and visitors, creative solutions to significant obstacles, and planning for ongoing management of the landscape. Judging will be based upon the digital images, plans and written descriptions submitted with each entry.


One suitably inscribed plaque will be provided for each winning entry. Awards may not be given in a category if no entry is awarded an appropriate score. FNPS Landscape Awards will be announced and presented at the FNPS Conference On May 18, 2013 at the University of North Florida University Center, 2100 Alumni Drive, Room 1003, Jacksonville, FL. Award winners will receive complimentary conference registration for the Saturday conference day and will be listed on the FNPS website.

For questions please contact Karina Veaudry


This really wonderful post. I am so far so I can't apply. But thank you for sharing great news.

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