Florida Museum of Natural History Needs FNPS Help
Yes! What a conversation starter - "I helped create that app!" The Florida Museum of Natural History, developing a cool new app right now, has asked FNPS for help. What they need is some specific photographs of Florida flowers, listed below. The app will be a plant ID tool that entry-level folks can use in the field. However, since the program will eventually include more than 250 plants, there will definitely be something for all of us to learn from it!
The project manager, Shari Ellis, explained that this new app will be focused around plants that occur along the Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail, a network of approximately 500 sites covering 2,000 miles. The purpose of the app is to get people outside and help them understand and experience Florida's natural areas. "We want to help people identify flowering plants, butterflies, and birds without having to read long paragraphs of text."
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Jaret Daniels educating guests about native plants |
The program will help educate both Florida residents and visitors. There will not be extensive text with each flower, but there will be critical information on the wildlife that associate with each plant. There will be a "Did you know?" pop-up feature that will present important facts such as why the native milkweed are more beneficial. There will also be links to further information, such as buttterfly anatomy for further study as well as information on the facilities available at state parks along the trail. The Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council's Level One invasives will be there, too!
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Wildflower planting at the Museum |
The Museum is partnering on this project with the University of Florida's Institute of Food, Agriculture and Science (IFAS) and the Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC), using funding from Florida Wildflower Foundation. Jaret Daniels and Betty Dunckel, from the Museum, and Anne Glick, from the FWC, the Principal Investigators, are planning to roll out the first version by end of summer. The initial version will be free. Later, if the program is becoming widely enough used, the Museum may offer an upgraded version for a small charge, with any proceeds being used for supporting the institutions.
The Museum will credit each picture with a watermark bearing the photographer's name. They request that you remove any watermark you might usually use, for the sake of uniformity: they want just one font and style used throughout the whole app. Also, photo entries should:
- use jpeg or tiff in the biggest file you can
- send as an attachment
- use vertical orientation if possible
- send to Shari, her email is sellis@ufl.edu
Shari says its fine to include an insect in the picture, as long as you can clearly see the flower. They may include up to four shots of the same plant, so you can also send shots of the leaves, pods, berries, and also the context; in other words, the area in which the plant is living. Here is a list of the plants they would like to have photos of; there are some easy ones, like rudbeckia, and some not-easy-ones, so something for everyone! The plants' commonly used name, or names, are listed first, followed by the Latin name in italics.
List of Photos Needed for Florida Museum of Natural History
- Burrmarigold, Smooth Beggarsticks Bidens laevis
- Bushy Sea Oxeye Borrichia frutescens
- Long Key Locustbery Byrsonima lucida
- Coastal Searocket Cakile lanceolata
- Eastern Sweetshrub, Carolina Allspice, Strawberry-bush Calycanthus floridus
- Bayleaf Capertree, Limber Caper, Falseteeth Capparis flexuosa
- Baybean, Seaside Jackbean Canavalia rosea
- Bandanna-of-the-Everglades, Golden Canna Canna flaccida
- Hairy Chaffhead, Deertongue Carphephorus paniculatus
- New Jersey Tea, Redroot Ceanothus americanus
- White Fringetree, Old-Man's Beard Chionanthus virginicus
- Seagrape Coccoloba uvifera
- American Squareroot, Cancerroot Conopholis americana
- Oblongleaf Twinflower, Oblongleaf Snakeherb Dyschoriste oblongifolia
- Dogtongue, Wild Buckwheat, Sandhill Wild Buckwheat Eriogonum tomentosum
- Button Snakeroot, Rattlesnake Master, Button Eryngo Eryngium yuccifolium
- Marsh Gentien, Catchfly Praire Eustoma exaltatum
- Cottonweed, Plains Snakecotton Froelichia floridana
- Elliott's Milkpea Galactia elliottii
- Loblolly Bay Gordonia lasianthus
- Southern Beeblossom, Morning Honeysuckle Gaura angustifolia
- Pineweeds, Orangegrass Hypericum gentianoides
- Dahoon Ilex cassine
- Moonflower Ipomoea alba
- Carolina Redroot Lachnanthes caroliana
- Dense Gayfeather, Liatris, Blazing Star Liatris spicata
- Coral Honeysuckle, Trumpet Honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens
- Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora
- American White Waterlily Nymphaea ordorata
- Showy Milkwort Polygala violacea
- Common Guava, Apple Guava Psidium guajava
- Wild Coffee Psychotria nervosa
- Downy Rose Myrtle, Downy Myrtle, Hill Gooseberry, Hill Guava Rhodomyrtus tomentosa
- Swamp Rose Rosa palustris
- Blackeyed Susan, Browneyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta
- Beachberry, Inkberry, Gullfeed Scaevola plumieri
- Beach Naupaka, Half-flower Scaevola sericea
- Brazilian Pepper, Florida Holly, Christmas Berry, Pepper Tree Schinus terebinthifolius
- Danglepod, Tall Indigo, Coffee Bean, Pea Tree Sesbania emerus
- Narrow Blue-Eyed Grass Sisyrinchium angustifolium
- Yellow Necklacepod Sophora tomentosa var. truncata
- Indian Pink, Woodland Pinkroot, Wormgrass Spigelia marilandica
- Coastalplain Dawnflower Stylisma patens
- Small-leaf Spiderwort, Wandering Jew Tradescantia fluminensis
- Adam's Needles Yucca filamentosa
Let's get out our cameras and have some fun helping the Museum this weekend!
sue dingwell