Is Your Landscape A Winner?

Native landscape by Shirley Denton
Fantastic! Because you still have time to enter the The Florida Native Plant Society's competition for Landscape Awards this year at the 31st Annual Conference in May. 

You can enter for free if you are a non-profit, school or governmental organization. Homeowners pay $35, and you professionals pay $200 to apply. If you have, or did the design for a home, business or school site landscaped primarily with Florida native plants, you are eligible to apply. There are also categories for transportation, mitigation and restoration projects.

To qualify for application, your landscape needs to have been in place for two years, must be 75% Florida natives, and contain no plants that are listed on the Florida Exotic Pest Council's List of Invasive Plant Species, Category 1 or 2, within the project site. You can check that list at:

A Landscape award winner from 2008
Maybe you have a friend or neighbor who needs to be informed of this opportunity!

Awards will presented on Saturday, May 21st and winners will receive complimentary conference registration for that day. This year’s conference is at the Sheraton Orlando North in Maitland, Florida.

Complete directions and an application can be found in "Awards and Grants" section at and the deadline is March 18, 2011. If you have questions about the application, you can contact Jim Couillard at

The 31st Annual Conference, in Maitland, May 19-22, is going to be spectacular, and now is the time to register! The theme is "Patios, Preserves and Public Spaces: Making Connections."  You will find something to learn about no matter what your level of experience. There will be over 50 speakers, research presentations, field trips and workshops. You can see posts on one of our keynote speakers, and one of the field trips at:

Visit You can also still be a sponsor for this event; call Executive Director, Kariena Veaudry at 321-388-4781.

And let's see YOUR landscape at the conference this year!

sue dingwell


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