Arbor Day

Did you know that Arbor Day is celebrated on different dates from state to
state? When you think about it, it makes sense; spring comes earlier in some
places than others!

Florida and Louisiana lead the pack with the first Arbor Day date, which is
the third Friday in January. Our state tree is the cabbage palm, Sabal palmetto,
Louisiana’s is the Bald cypress.
National Arbor Day is celebrated the last Friday in April. Twenty eight
states also use that for their own Arbor Day activities. The other states use
dates that coincide with their planting times, sometimes on the same date that the
state’s governor made the original proclamation to be part of the Arbor Day

Our next post is going to give you some help with choosing a tree that you
will like and that is good for the region you live in. We will also have some
warnings about using trees from the official Artbor Day list, and how to say
‘no’ to the free tree that won’t grow where you live.

Cabbage palms with boots fallen off

Cabbage palms with boots on
The cabbage palm looses it boots when it gets old enough. No one knows when that is. Some trees loose it before others!! Some people think the trees look nicer without boots and go to a lot of trouble to make the trunk smooth. The boots can be homes for lots of other plants and animals, like the native Golden polypody.

More later!

sue dingwell


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