One Person CAN Make a Difference

As the year comes to a close, many folks rate the past year on items that they've accomplished or good deeds that they've done. This feel-good story, published in the Florida Times Union in Jacksonville shows just how much difference one man made...

Read the whole story here:  Willie Browne's Enduring Gift to Jacksonville: Nature
Here's a link to the Park Service website for the Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve.
It includes Ft. Caroline, the Kingsley Plantation (the oldest plantation house in Florida) and miles of wonderful trails through the woods and over ancient shell mounds left from the Timucuan Indians.

Even if you don't own acres of undisturbed land to donate, you can, before the year ends, make a pledge to donate time and/or money to The Nature Conservancy of Florida, The Florida Wildflower Foundation, and of course, the Florida Native Plant Society. Read the end of year message from FNPS president Ann Redmond for a run down on the many ways that this organization makes a real difference FOR Florida.

Together we can all do just a little more to make 2011 a Greener New Year!


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the end-of-year reminder. Even if people just donate an extra few dollars this year to offset losses due to a bad economy, it all adds up!

Happy New Year!
V. Avery

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