End-of-Year Message from FNPS President

Ann Redmond sent out an end-of-year message to the membership. Read it to see how you can receive a 22-photograph theme for your Windows computer by our own Shirley Denton.

Here's how Ann begins her letter:

Dear Fellow FNPS Member,

We’re just finishing up our Thirtieth Year as the voice for Florida’s native plants! We’ve really leapt forward – a Resolution from the Governor and Cabinet recognized our contributions this year. Our efforts have spawned development of a confederation of NPS’s in the southeast. Our grant funding has fostered conservation and restoration of Florida’s natural lands. There have been recent scientific publications from research for which we provided grant funding. We are making a difference in many ways throughout Florida.

We entered the world of social media in May and that has been remarkably productive; we gain new followers every week. Our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/FNPSfans has about 700 Fans, as well as almost 600 active weekly users of the page! We have a growing number of people following the FNPS blog http://fnpsblog.blogspot.com/ , with 78 followers and over 2,000 visits in November. After seeing our blog, the Presidents of two other southeastern state native plant societies have asked our advice on starting ones of their own!



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