The Garden Professors Define Terms--alien, native, invasive & more

Holly Scoggins, one of the garden professors posted an interesting piece on the defintions of terms including alien, exotic, invasive and aggressive.  The discussion in the comments is also worthwhile.

We discussed it here a few posts ago: Invasive vs. Agressive... Part 1.

Say, here's an example of some invasives: wild taro (Colocasia esculenta) and wedelia (Sphagneticola trilobata).  >>

So the discussion continues...



Rufino Osorio said…
Very interesting and thought-provoking post but the title is a little misleading. The definitions were simply made up by Holly Scoggins as a private individual. She was not speaking for the Garden Professors nor writing as a Garden Professor. In the introduction to her essay, Scoggins states that "My opinions in no way reflect those of the Garden Professors, blog host Washington State University, or anyone else...."
Anonymous said…
It's amazing what happens when you Google your own blog name. Rufino, dude, thank you for noting the introduction. Funny you left out "or anyone else important, for that matter." We are under constant scrutiny from UNIVERSITY LEGAL or those that would contact said institution to rat on anything they disagreed with; to the point that it's totally annoying, stifling, and yes, I make fun of it at every opportunity. "Gasp! That's not very professorial!"
Thanks so much Ginny for mentioning our blog. Hope you saw my post on Consolea corallicola - I used to live in Destin, and go to the lower "rural" Keys every chance I get. I love Fla. flora...Holly S.
Ginny Stibolt said…
Thanks Holly. Yes I did see your piece.

And yes Googling is an adventure. I found recently that Linda had hoped I would respond to a post long ago on hydrangeas that I'd missed.

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