Florida Natives Gone Blogger

It's a new dawn! It's a new day! It's a new blog!

Yes, we've gone postal. I mean, coastal. Well, what I really mean is that we are happy to be blogging and happy that you chose to spend at least these past three and half seconds with us. We hope you will come back often, because we will be posting a wide range of topics by a great team of writers. We want to write about what interests YOU, so let us know what you think!

The Florida Native Plant Society has been working for the past 30 years to save native plants, to protect the places they live, and to educate people about why are natives are so important. We will be talking in this blog about native plants and how to use them in your landscape. We'll tell you where the good places are to go out see native plants. We'll let you know about ways we are working with legislators and local governments, and how you can help.

So bookmark us and RSS us and all that other good stuff. Also, why don't you go ahead and join the Florida Native Plant Society because it's good for the environment, and good for you, too.

In case you're wondering, many serious and scientific people belong to this society. We pride ourselves in holding a high standard for sharing only science-based information. Some of those serious people will posting here soon. On serious topics told with a light touch. You will enjoy meeting them and hearing what they have to say.

Hope to see you around!

Sue Dingwell

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