Policy Update by Eugene Kelly, Policy and Legislation Chair

When the 2023 legislative session closed with the traditional hanky-drop on May 5, it signaled the usual “mixed bag” of results for those of us who support native plant conservation and environmental protection. The good included $100 million budgeted for land conservation through the Florida Forever Program, and an additional $100 million to finance the purchase conservation easements through the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program (RFL). The bad included a continuing failure to address Florida’s water quality crisis by fully implementing the recommendations of the Blue-Green Algae Task Force. We have attempted to provide an itemized list of the good and bad of the 2023 session below, with a focus on the stuff we believe is most relevant to the FNPS mission to conserve native plants and native plant communities. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves! What does the “end of session” actually signify? Governing, and law-making (legislating!), are a continuous process. Wins and...