2011 FNPS Annual Report

 The Florida Native Plant Society has released its annual report for 2011. Please read the whole report for yourself to see how much our organization accomplishes in one short year. What I've included here are some screenshots to give an idea of what is included.

From FNPS president Steve Woodmansee:
Restoration of our native habitats begins with the native plants appropriate to our areas. The continued protection of our remaining natural habitats is also critically important. After all, these are the refugia where our native wildlife still survives. For these reasons I actively support the Florida Native Plant Society.
These pages illustrate some of the many Florida Native Plant Society achievements in 2011. Help us continue to preserve Florida’s natural heritage, native plant by native plant community.


What is notable about the FNPS operating expenses pie chart is that a full 80% of our expenses is for programs. We are very efficient!

But we are always looking for new audiences and much of the state-wide and chapter-level activities are education and outreach.

The program expenses include membership, our beautiful member publication, "The Palmetto," conference expenses, education, government policy, research and conservation, and landscape awards expenses.

I hope you've enjoyed this very short tour of the 2011 FNPS annual report. There are already many new initiatives and activities taking place this year. Don't be an armchair observer and wait for next year's report. Get out there to have fun, learn new things, and actively participate in helping to preserve and restore Florida's native plant communities. Find a chapter near you at www.fnps.org.
It matters!

Ginny Stibolt


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